Instruction Manual
Appendix E Rev. 4.5
June 1999
Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Appendices E-7
World Class 3000
Table E-2. GUI Equipped IFT Fault Finding
1. Display is blank. Possible failure within IFT. Check LED on micropr ocessor board.
2. CalEr is displayed. Repeat calibration sequence. If error persists, troubl eshoot major components.
3. HtrEr is displayed. Ensur e jumpers are set correctly on IFT. If system is equipped with HPS refer
to HPS 3000 Troubleshooting in Appendix B f or additional troubleshooting
4. NoGas is displayed. Possible failure within the MPS. Refer to MPS 30 00 Troubleshooting in Ap-
pendix D for additional troubleshooting proced ures.
*5. HiO2 is displayed. Possible failure within the probe. Ensure the high alarm level has been en-
tered correctly. Refer to Probe Troubleshooting in Appendix A for additional
troubleshooting procedures.
*6. LowO2 is displayed. Possible f ailure within the probe. Ensure the low alarm parameter has been
entered correctly. Refer to Probe Troubleshootin g in Appendix A for additional
troubleshooting procedures.
7. ResHi is displayed. Cell resistance has exceeded upper limit. Ens ure resistance value has been
entered correctly. Refer to Probe Troubleshootin g in Appendix A for additional
troubleshooting procedures.
8. Off The probe has been turned OFF because the IFT cannot c ontrol the heater
9. PrbEr The probe is disconnected, cold, or leads are re versed.
*HiO2 and LowO2 can occur in the system without system failure.