Instruction Manual
IB-106-300NH Rev. 4.2
July 2002
5-14 General User Interface (GUI) Operation Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management
World Class 3000
Table 5-5. SETUP Sub-Menu (continued)
Analog Output RANGE SETUP
(continued) (Source set to Dual Rng O2)
Xfer Fnct Log
Select the transfer function used on the analog output.
Selecting Log will not effect the output when Effic iency
is selected as the Source.
Normal Range Values
High End
0.000% O2 - 25.00% O2
Low End
0.000% O2 - 25.00% O2
Enter the upper and lower analog output range values
for Normal Operating Range. The High End value de-
fines the measured O2 value corresponding to the high
analog output value, i.e, 20mA or 10V, and the L ow
End value corresponds to the low analog outpu t value,
i.e., 0mA, 4mA, or 0V.
Dual Range Setup
Mode Setup
Range Mode Normal Forces the output to the Normal Range.
Auto Allows the IFT to select either the High Range or the
Normal Range based on the present O2 value and the
Mode Setup Values.
High Forces the output to the High Range.
High in Cal Yes/No Selecting Yes will cause the High Range to be used
whenever the probe is being calibrated.
Switches at
0.000% O2 - 25.00% O2
Enters the switching point between the High and Nor-
mal Ranges. O2 values above this point will use the
High Range and values below this point will use the
Normal Range. The O2 value must be below the switc h
point by 10% (of the "Switches at" value) to cause a
switch from High to Normal Range.
High Range Values
High End
0.000% O2 - 25.00% O2
Low End
0.000% O2 - 25.00% O2
Enter the upper and lower analog output range values
for High Operating Range. The High End value defines
the measured O2 value corresponding to the high
analog output value, i.e., 20mA or 10V, and the Lo w
End value corresponds to the low analog output v alue,
i.e., 0mA, 4mA, or 0V.
NOTE: Relay output can be initiated upon range cha nge. (See page 5-12 of Table 5-5.)
Table 5-6. Efficiency Constants
K1 0.407 0.432 0.66 0.69
K2 0.0 0.0 0.0082 0.0051
K3 5.12 5.12 12.28 8.74