Configuring for Security
Setting EncryptionBefore configuring encryption on the AP, create the encryption keys as follows:
1. Create up to four keys, where the keys can be:
— 5 printable characters or 10 hexadecimal digits if the RoamAbout PC Card
supports 40-bit WEP encryption.
— 13 printable characters or 26 hexadecimal digits if the RoamAbout PC Card
supports 128-bit encryption.
You must create at least one key. The printable character keys are case-sensitive. A
hexadecimal digit key must start with 0x, which is not counted in the number of digits.
For example, 0xABCDEF0123 is a valid 40-bit encryption hexadecimal key (10
hexadecimal digits).
2. Determine the positions for each key. There are four positions, Key 1, Key 2, Key 3,
and Key 4. The position of each key is important since all the wireless devices must
enter the same key in the same position to decipher encrypted data.
Using the AP Manager
To configure encryption using the AP Manager, perform the following:
1. In the main window, select the AP in the Managed List.
2. Click the Encryption button.
Selected Slot (RoamAbout R2 only): 1 or 2
Enable Encryption: Enable (add a check to the checkbox).
Deny Non-encrypted Data: Optionally, enable to prevent the AP from
communicating with clients that do not use encryption.
Keys: Enter up to four encryption keys.
Encrypt Data Transmissions: Choose a transmit key by selecting that key in the field.
3. Click OK to accept the parameters.
4. When prompted, click OK to reset the AP. Allow approximately one minute for the
AP to reset and complete its self-test. You do not need to reset the AP if you only add,
delete, or modify keys, or change the transmit key.