For the RoamAbout R2 Wireless Access Platform:
3. If using a terminal, configure the transmit and receive baud rates to 9600 baud only.
4. If using a personal computer, configure a terminal emulation application to use 9600
baud transmit and receive rates. The following is an example of configuring the
Microsoft Windows HyperTerminal application:
a) Open the HyperTerminal application, which is usually located in
b) Create a new connection. Depending on the system configuration, HyperTerminal
could automatically prompt you for a new connection name. Choose a name that
identifies the connection type, such as AP Console Port.
c) Ignore or cancel any prompts for modem or phone information.
d) In a Connect Using or similar field, select the port that is connected to the AP,
such as COM1.
e) In the Port Settings window, enter:
Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: Hardware (for the Access Point 2000)
None (for the RoamAbout R2)
To connect to the console port at a later date, open HyperTerminal and select
FileOpen to open the AP Console Port connection.
1 5
6 9
Pin Assignment
[1, 4, 6]* (1) Data Carrier Detect (DCD)
(4) Data Terminal Ready (DTR)
(6) Data Set Ready (DSR)
2 Receive Data (RXD)
3 Transmit Data (TXD)
5 Ground
7, 8* (7) Request to Send (RTS)
(8) Clear to Send (CTS)
9 No connect
* [1,4,6] and [7,8] are tied together.