RoamAbout PC Card LED Activity in a Client
Table 7-12: RoamAbout PC Card LED Description
LED Transm it
Green Blinking Standard operational mode:
Card is powered on.
Sensing/transmitting wireless data.
Off Card is powered on.
A network connection was established but current ly there is no wireless
This could be a normal situation.
Also, the client may have moved out of the range of the wireless networ k. If
in an ad-hoc network, no other clients may be available.
Flicker Flicker Power management mode:
Card is powered on.
Power management is enabled.
Flashes indicate that the card wakes up at regular intervals to check if
there is wireless data addressed to your client.
Both LEDs blink once
every 10 seconds
The PC Card has not established a connection with the wireless network.
Contact the LAN administrator to verify the wireless network name
assigned to the wireless infrastructure network. Be aware that the
wireless network name is case sensitive.
If using ANY as the wireless network name, verify that the RoamAbout
AP does not have Secure Access enabled.
The client may not be within range of an AP or ad-hoc network.
Off Off Card is not powered on. The cause may be:
No driver loaded or installed.
Card and driver mismatch that prevented the driver from loading.
Device conflict that prevented the driver from loading.
Verify that a driver has been installed. If not, install the driver.
Determine if there is a conflict with another device as described in the
“Device Conflict on a Windows System” section on page 7-23.
Typically, this only happens on a Windows NT system.
Verify the versions of the PC Card driver as described in the “Checking
RoamAbout Product Version Numbers” section on page 6-13.
Consult the RoamAbout web site to see if newer versions are available
and if so, upgrade the driver to the latest available version.