IEEE 802.1X uses security protocols, such as RADIUS, to provide centralized user
identification, authentication and dynamic key management.
Access Platform
See R2 Wireless Access Platform.
Access Point
A wired to wireless bridge that connects a wireless LAN to a wired Ethernet LAN.
Ad-Hoc network
A group of wireless clients that participate in wireless communication without connection to
a wireless infrastructure network. An ad-hoc network does not include APs.
Ad-hoc networks are also referred to as peer-to-peer networks.
A generic term that refers to the RoamAbout Access Point, RoamAbout Access Point 2000,
or the RoamAbout R2 Wireless Access Platform.
A message that is transmitted at regular intervals by the RoamAbout AP to all wireless clients
in the wireless network.
Beacons are used to maintain and optimize communications by helping mobile clients to
automatically connect to the AP that provides the best communications quality.
Broadcast Message
A data message that is transmitted by one wireless device to all devices in the wireless
Broadcast storm
An occurrence where a large number of broadcast messages are sent through the network,
usually degrading network performance.