Configuring the Console Port for Security
Configuring the Console Port for SecurityFor the AP 2000, the AP Manager and any other SNMP Manager must have the correct
read/write community name associated with the AP; otherwise, the tool cannot make any
changes to the AP.
For the R2, the AP Manager and any other SNMP Manager must have the correct
Authentication and Privacy passwords.
AP Manager
For the AP 2000, the AP Manager can change both the read-only and read/write SNMP
community names. To change the read-only community name on the AP 2000, select the
Network Parameters button in the main window. To change the read/write community
name on the AP 2000, click on the Options menu and select SNMP Security. Click the
Help button for detailed information.
For the R2, the AP Manager can change the SNMPv3 Authentication and Privacy
passwords. Click on the Options menu and select SNMP Security. Click the Help button
for detailed information.
RoamAbout R2 Console Port
The following security settings are available from the console port:
•Access to the console requires a password. The username is admin and the default
password is password. The password must be a minimum of eight ASCII characters,
and is case-sensitive. The same username and password is used for Telnet and web
management. To change the password, choose Serial/Telnet/Web Configuration
from the Main Menu.
•You can disable Telnet and web management from the console port. Choose
Serial/Telnet/Web Configuration from the Main Menu.
Access Point 2000 Console Port
The following security settings are exclusive to the console port:
•To prevent other users from using the console port, enable Enable/Disable Console
Password from the Installation Menu. Choose Set SNMP Read/Write Community
from the Installation Menu and enter a new community name (4 to 31 printable ASCII
characters). Afterwards, users must enter the community name to access the menu.
•To prevent any management tool using SNMP, including the AP Manager, from
changing the Encryption parameters, enable Set Exclude SNMP from the Encryption