Chapter 2Understanding Wireless NetworkCharacteristics
This chapter describes many of the wireless networking concepts and characteristics. You
should be familiar with this information before you design, implement, or manage a
RoamAbout wireless network. Not all characteristics apply to all of the network
Some of the features listed are not available with earlier versions of the AP and the PC Card
driver. Review the Release Notes to determine if a feature is supported by your AP version
and client version.
In This Chapter
Information in this chapter is presented as follows:
Topic Page
Wireless Network Name 2-2
Access Point MAC Addresses 2-3
RoamAbout R2 MAC Addresses 2-3
Channel Frequencies 2-4
Transmit Rate 2-5
Communications Quality 2-7
Data Throughput Efficiency 2-8
AP Density and Roaming 2-8
RTS/CTS Protocol 2-9
802.11 Power Management 2-11
Security 2-12
Network Operating System Security 2-12
RoamAbout AP Secure Access 2-12