Logging Measurement Data
Logging Measurement Data
You can save the results of your RoamAbout Client Utility Link Test or Site Monitor
session in a log file. To enable logging, set the Client Utility to enhanced mode by clicking
the Options button in the Status/Functions window. For information about a Client Utility
window, press <F1> while in that window.
You can use this log file to:
Evaluate the results at a later time.
Compare the results with previous measurements, which may help you investigate the
performance of your wireless LAN over a period of time.
Send the measurement results to your RoamAbout support representative when
troubleshooting a specific problem.
The Client Utility allows you to log measurement data manually or automatically at regular
To set the logging options, click the Log Settings tab in the Site Monitor or Link Test
window. You can choose to append data to an existing log file or create a new file.
The log files are saved in a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file format. You can read the
files with an ASCII editor or import the data into a spreadsheet or database application.