Filtering Traffic by Protocols
DECnet Does not forward DECnet packets carried in Ethernet V2 frames or in IEEE 802.3
frames with LLC/SNAP headers. DECnet packets are used primarily in DEC VMS
and related networking. If you do not plan to ha ve DECnet clients, you should filter
all DECnet traffic.
LAT Does not forward Local Area Transport (LAT) packets. Used primarily in
terminal/server communication.
Ethernet II
Does not forward AppleTalk packets carried in Ethernet V2 frames. Used primarily
in Apple native networking.
AppleTalk AARP Does not forward AppleTalk AARP packets. Used primarily in Apple native
The AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol (AARP) uses broadcasts to discover
the hardware address of a node. It is similar to TCP/IP's ARP.
AppleTalk SNAP Does not forward AppleTalk packets carried in IEEE 802.3 frames with
LLC/SNAP headers. Used primarily in Apple native networking.
VAXcluster Recommended if there are no VAXclusters on the wireless LAN.
802.3 ISO
Recommended if there are no ISO wireless clients on the wireless LAN.
LAN Traffic
Monitor Recommended if there are no bridges on the wireless LAN.
DECnet End Node
Hello Recommended if there are no DECnet routers on the wireless LAN.
IPX Raw Does not forward IPX packets carried in IEEE 802.3 frames with no LLC.
IPX SNAP Does not forward IPX packets carried in IEEE 802.3 frames with LLC/SNAP
SNA Does not forward SNA packets carried in IEEE 802.3 frames with LLC headers.
NetBIOS Does not forward NetBIOS packets (DSAP and SSAP bytes) carried in IEEE 802.3
frames with LLC headers. The filter does not prevent NetBIOS packets that are
using "tunneling" in other protocols such as TCP.
IP V6 Does not forward IP version 6 carried in Ethernet V2 frames or IEEE 802.3 frames
with LLC/SNAP headers.
Table 5-1: Protocols to Filter(Cont’d)Protocol Description