5. Press <Enter> until the RoamAbout Main Menu is displayed. The Installation Menu
allows you to display and modify various AP and wireless networking parameters.
If this is a RoamAbout R2, you are prompted for a username and password. The default
username is admin and the default password is password.
Use the console as follows:
•Use your arrow keys to navigate through the screens.
•Press your Enter (or Return) key to activate a data entry field.
•Press the space bar to toggle a multiple choice field.
•Select Apply if you want to check your configuration changes before saving them.
•Select Save before you Reset, Reload or Exit out of the console to save your
configuration changes in each screen.
•If you do not want to change the existing value, press <Enter> to go back to the
previous menu.
NOTE: If your screen remains blank after 3 seconds, press the Ctrl and L
keys together. If the screen still remains blank, shut down the terminal
emulation program and restart it.