Checking the Configuration on Multiple APs
Checking the Configuration on Multiple APsThe AP Manager provides integrity tests that check for consistent settings across all the
APs in a single group. Use the integrity tests to make sure that the APs in a single wireless
network are configured correctly. To access the tests, click Integrity on the AP Manager
menu bar.
•The Parameters option tests that all APs are configured with the following:
— Same bridge mode
— Same wireless network name
— Different station name
— Same AP Density setting
— Same transmit rate
— Same Secure Access setting
— Same RTS Threshold
— Same rate limiting setting (AP 2000 only)
— Same upline dump setting (AP 2000 only)
— Same forwarding setting
•Values not used in LAN-to-LAN mode are not checked when the AP is in
LAN-to-LAN mode.
•The Firmware Revisions option verifies that all APs have the same version of the
•The additional menu item, Link Test, is used to test the communications quality
between the AP and another wireless device.