Using the AP LEDs to Determine the Problem
Table 7-1: RoamAbout R2 LED DescriptionsName Description
System Status Lights when the RoamAbout R2 passes self-test. If the RoamAbout R2
fails the test, the LED blinks at a steady rate.
Power Lights when the power is on.
Wired Forwarding Lights when the RoamAbout R2 is forwarding packets to the wired
Ethernet port.
Wireless Forwarding
(Slot 1) Lights when the RoamAbout R2 is forwarding packets to the wireless
port (slot 1).
Wireless LAN Activity
on the RoamAbout R2
(Slot 1, Slot 2)
Blinks, indicating activity, when packets are:
•Received on the wireless port and forwarded to the Ethernet port.
•Received on the Ethernet port and forwarded to the wireless port.
•Addressed to, or generated by, the RoamAb out R2 using t he wireless
LLights indicating a link (connection) to the wired Ethernet port.
AFlashes when there is activity to or from the wired Ethernet port.
Mezzanine Wireless
Forwarding (Slot 2) Lights when the RoamAbout R2 is forwarding packets to the wireless
port (slot2). This LED is only available if you purchased the RoamAbout
R2 Mezzanine slot upgrade option.