SNMP Community Names
The SNMP community name allows management tools using SNMP to display or modify
AP parameters remotely.
The RoamAbout R2 supports SNMPv3. To access the RoamAbout R2 parameters via
SNMP, the management tool must know the Authentication Password and Privacy
Password. To support management tools using SNMPv2 or SNMPv1, the R2 provides four
community names that allow SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c read-only and read-write access. The
names are disabled by default with the exception of Community Name #1, which is set to
public. The community names are only accessible from the R2 console port.
The AP 2000 supports a read/write community name and a read-only community name. By
default, the AP uses public as the default read/write community name. This allows any
management tool using SNMP to access the AP and change parameters. By changing the
read/write community name, users must enter the correct community name to modify the
AP parameters. The read-only community name allows the management tools to view but
not change the AP parameters. You can change the read-only name so that users must enter
the correct name before they can view the AP parameters.
Console Port Security
RoamAbout Access Point 2000
The RoamAbout Access Point console port has two security features:
You can configure the console port to require a password before users can access the
Installation Menu.
You can configure the console port to prevent any management system from using
SNMP to modify the encryption parameters.
RoamAbout R2
The RoamAbout R2 console port supports SNMPv3, and has the following security
Access to the console requires a password. The username is “admin” and the default
password is “password”. The password must be a minimum of eight ASCII characters,
and is case-sensitive.
The ability to enable or disable Web management and Telnet.