Showing Counters
Wrong station address on
Number of times a message transmission was not done because a wrong
MAC address was used by the protocol stack. A no n-zero valu e indicates an
error situation in the communication between the driver and proto col stack.
Receive WEP errors
Number of times a received message was discarded because it could not be
decrypted by the PC Card. This means that:
Both devices have enabled encryption, but use keys that do not match.
One of the devices does not support encryption or does not have
encryption enabled.
Use RoamAbout Client Utility Link Test, Configuration Info tab, to see the
configuration of the client and the AP or other client.
Receive message in
message fragments
Number of times messages were received while another transmission was
in progress. It is a measure of the amount of overlapped communication in
your system. Zero values indicate low to moderate load of your net work.
Non-zero values identify a wireless medium that is being used
simultaneously by multiple users.
Receive message in bad msg
fragments (RxMessage
Number of times messages were received while a transmission elsewhere in
the wireless network was in progress. This counter is expected to be zero.
Non-zero-values indicate a heavily loaded system.
Receive WEP ICV errors Increments when encrypted data has an error that prevents it from being
deciphered. A high number indicates a mismatched encryption key. A low
number can be caused by drop bits which can be ignored.
Receive WEP excluded Increments when this device sends unencrypted data to another device
which rejects the data. If this is a client in an infrastructure network, this can
be caused when the client has encryp tio n disa bled and t he A P is c onfig ured
to accept encrypted data only (DENY NON-ENCRYPTED DATA is
Table 7-10: RoamAbout AP Classic and 2000) PC Card Counters (Cont’d)
Counter Description