Showing Counters
Transmit retry limit
exceeded frames
Number of messages that could not be delivered after the maximum number
of retransmissions. You can use this counter with TxDiscards to identify a
wireless network that is overloaded due to severe interference or excessive
load of wireless data traffic. The system drops such messages and depends
on the higher communication protocols to recover from this lost message.
Transmit frames discarded
(TxDiscards) Number messages that could not be transmitted due to congestion at the
RoamAbout PC Card. In normal situations, the PC Card can temporarily
store messages that are to be transmitted in an internal buffer. When this
buffer is full, the PC Card discards any new messages until buffer space
becomes available again. When this counter is relatively high, this may
identify a wireless network with a heavy load of wireless data traffic.
Individually addressed
frames received
Number of messages sent by other devices to this PC Card. In most LAN
applications, it is normal behavior for this counter to have a high value and
continuously increase (you can see it run). For example, this counter should
increase rapidly when running the Link Test.
Multicast frames received
(RxMulticastFrames) Number of broadcast or multicast messages received by the device. In most
LAN applications, it is normal behavior for this counter to have a value that
is continuously increasing. Typically, this counter should display a value
that is less than the RxUnicastFrames counter.
Fragments received
(RxFragments) Total number of messages or message fragments received by the PC Card.
The running rate of this counter is a general indication of the amount of
activity at the PC Card. This counter should be greater than the sum of
RxUnicastFrames plus RxMulticastFrames.
Individually addressed bytes
received (RxUnicastOctets) Total number of bytes received by the PC Card as part of unicast messages.
It is normal behavior for this counter to increase rapidly.
Multicast bytes received
(RxMulticastOctets) Total number of bytes received by the PC Card as part of multicast
messages. It is normal behavior for this counter to have a high value.
Receive FCS errors
(RxFCSErrors) Number of received messages or message parts that contained an erroneous
value and had to be deleted. In the IEEE 802.11 protocol, such messages are
recovered by the ACK (Acknowledgment) protocol and then retransmitted
by the sending device.
A high value for this counter identifies a wireless network that suffers from
interference or malfunctioning RoamAbout hardware. It i s normal behavior
for the RoamAbout PC Card to discard these messages.
Receive buffer not available
(RxDiscardsNoBuffer) Number of times an incoming message could not be received due to a
shortage of receive buffers on the RoamAbout PC Card. A non-zero value
identifies heavy data traffic for your RoamAbout PC Card; for example,
when your PC Card is receiving large amounts of data.
Table 7-10: RoamAbout AP Classic and 2000) PC Card Counters (Cont’d)
Counter Description