Configuring for VLANs
Configuring for VLANsThe RoamAbout AP supports the forwarding of tagged VLAN data. The RoamAbout R2
can be configured to forward VLAN data to specific endpoints. The Access Point 2000 can
only be configured to forward or not forward VLAN data. When forwarding VLAN data,
the Access Point 2000 forwards to all endpoints.
To configure a VLAN, define the VLAN and configure each port to handle data as follows:
•Tagged: The port forwards all incoming data from a defined VLAN, where the
incoming data is tagged.
•Untagged: The port forwards all incoming tagged data from a defined VLAN;
however, the port removes the VLAN ID from the outgoing frames. This feature
should only be used when the transmitting port is connected to a device in the network
that does not support VLANs.
•Forbidden: The port does not forward any data from a defined VLAN.
•None: The port does not forward any data from a defined VLAN (default setting). This
setting can only be configured manually and can be overridden by GVRP.
NOTE: VLAN 1 is a default VLAN used by the R2 to allow
pass-through of untagged data. Changing the VLAN 1 default settings
could prevent the AP from forwarding untagged data.
CAUTION: If you change the bridge mode to Wor kgroup after
setting up VLANs, all VLAN configurations belonging to that
membership will be deleted with the exception of the default VLAN.
All tagged ports will be cleared.