EpsonNet WebManager

About EpsonNet WebManager

EpsonNet WebManager is an application designed to manage network devices. It allows network administrators to easily control network devices. EpsonNet WebManager offers the following features:

It supports Windows, Macintosh, and UNIX platforms to give network administrators flexibility in managing network devices.

It allows you to search and monitor network devices, and make settings for network devices.

It offers a Group Management function that helps you manage devices as a group.

It provides printer driver management functions: such as the ability to store printer drivers on the EpsonNet WebManager server, and easy installation of printer drivers on client PCs.


Before installing and using EpsonNet WebManager, be sure to read the Readme.txt file. This file contains the latest information on EpsonNet WebManager.

The term “device” refers to a printer, interface card, or network adapter.