with a PPPoE-Based DSL/Cable Con- nection
Fig. 56. TCP/IP settings for Router with a PPPoE-Based DSL/Cable Connection mode.
If the IWE3200-H was set to be in Router with a PPPoE-Based DSL/Cable Connection mode, two IP addresses are needed—one for the Ethernet LAN interface and the other for the WAN interface. The LAN IP address must be set manually to a private IP address, say 192.168.0.xxx. The default LAN IP address is and the default subnet mask is In most cases, these de- fault settings need no change.
As for the WAN IP address, it is obtained automatically by PPPoE from the ISP. Consult your ISP for the correct User name, Password, and Service name settings.
The Trigger mode setting specifies the way a PPPoE connection is established. Your PPPoE connec- tion can be established and torn down manually (Manual) by clicking the Connect and Disconnect buttons on the Start page, respectively. Or you can choose to let the device automatically (Auto) es- tablish a PPPoE connection at bootup time. In Auto mode, if the connection is disrupted, the device will try to
Custom MAC Address of WAN Interface enables you to change the MAC address of the Ethernet WAN interface. Therefore, if the with a DHCP-Based DSL/Cable Connec- tion