example, if the Router’s MAC address is
5.On the computer, run a Web browser and click the General, Firmware Tools hyperlink.
6.Within the Configuration Backup/Restore section, specify the IP address of the computer, which acts as a TFTP server. If you don’t know the IP address of the computer, open a Com- mand Prompt, and type IpConfig, then press the Enter key.
7.Trigger the restoring process by clicking Restore. The Router will then download the configura- tion backup file from the TFTP server.
Make sure the file is a valid configuration backup file for the access Router. Resetting Configuration to Factory Defaults
Fig. 54. Configuration reset.
Clicking the Reset button resets the device configuration to factory defaults.
Clicking the Reset button will lose all your current configuration settings.
2.10.4. Setting Time Zone
Fig. 55. Time zone and time server settings.
The IWE3200-H supports absolute system time by querying the SNTP (Simple Network Time Pro- tocol) time server specified by the Time server setting. And you should specify the Time zone ac- cording to where you are.
2.11. Configuring TCP/IP Related Settings
2.11.1. Address
The addressing settings depend on the operational mode of the