Note: If PPPoE is used as IP type, IP Utility software will not be able to detect the device.
IP address
When DHCP is not used, user needs to manually enter the IP address of the camera. Do not enter the IP address already used for PC or other network cameras.
Subnet Mask
This field is used to set the netmask for your network so that the IP speed dome will be recognized within the network. Example: When DHCP is selected, the DHCP server will assign this value automatically.
This field is used to set the gateway for your network so that the IP speed dome will be recognized within the network. When DHCP is selected, the DHCP server will assign this value automatically.
Primary DNS
Enter IP address of DNS server that is provided by ISP.
Secondary DNS
If your ISP provides you an IP address secondary DNS, please set it here.
Enter User name of the account (used only for PPPoE).
Enter Password of the account (used only for PPPoE).
Click Apply to apply the setting changes or Reset to reset without saving the change.