EL.SHUTTER: Select electronic shutter mode from the options of the menu. There are AUTO, A.FLK ,1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/180 , 1/250
,1/1000 , 1/3000 and 1/10000 at NTSC model; and AUTO, A.FLK, 1/50, 1/150, 1/215, 1/1000, 1/2500 and 1/10000 at PAL model.
AUTO: Auto electrical shutter
1/60 (NTSC) and 1/50 (PAL): default manual shutter.
1/180: 1/180 sec shutter for NTSC and 1/150: 1/150 sec shutter for PAL
1/250: 1/250 sec shutter for NTSC and 1/215: 1/215 sec shutter for PAL
1/1000: 1/1000 sec shutter for both NTSC and PAL
1/3000: 1/3000 sec shutter for NTSC and 1/2500: 1/2500 sec shutter for
1/10000: 1/10000 sec shutter for both NTSC and PAL
SLOW SHUTTER: Slow electronic shutter. In order to enhance the view in the low lux environment, slow shutter allows more light go through the shutter. Select from AUTO and OFF.
AUTO: Auto Slow Shutter.
OFF: Disable Slow Shutter function.
Note: If EL. SHUTTER is selected, SLOW SHUTTER will be disabled.
MANUAL: Manual Iris.
AUTO: Auto Iris.
AE SPEED: if you select AUTO in slow shutter, you can set exposure time (move the cursor between 0~6)
EXIT: Select Exit and press ◄ button/ ► button to save settings and exit from current page.