Fortinet 168 FortiWeb 5.0 Patch 6 Administration Guide
Name Select the blue arrow beside a pattern to expand the entry and display the
individual rules contained in the entry.
Displays the name of the data type.
Address — Canadian postal codes and United States ZIP code and
ZIP + 4 codes.
Canadian Postal Code — Canadian postal codes such as K2H 7B8.
Canadian Province Name and Abbrev. — Modern and older names and
abbreviations of Canadian provinces in English, as well as some
abbreviations in French, such as Quebec, PEI, Sask, and Nunavut. Does
not detect province names in French, such as Québec.
Canadian Social Insurance Number — Canadian Social Insurance
Numbers (SIN) such as 123-456-789.
Chinese Postal Code — Chinese postal codes such as 610000.
Country Name and Abbrev. — Country names, codes, and abbreviations
as they are known in English, such as CA, Cote d’Ivoire, Brazil, Russian
Federation, and Brunei.
Credit Card Number — American Express, Carte Blanche, Diners Club,
enRoute, Japan Credit Bureau (JCB), Master Card, Novus, and Visa credit
card numbers.
Date/Time — Dates and times in various formats such as +13:45 for time
zone offsets, 1:01 AM, 1am, 23:01:01, and 01.01.30 AM for times, and
31.01.2009, 31/01/2009, 01/31/2000, 2009-01-3, 31-01-2009, 1-31-2009,
01 Jan 2009, 01 JAN 2009, 20-Jan-2009 and February 29, 2009 for dates.
Denmark Postal Code — Danish postal code (“postnumre”) such as
DK-1499 and dk-1000. Does not match codes that are not prefixed by
“DK-”, nor numbers that do not belong to the range of valid codes, such as
123456 or dk 12.
Email — Email addresses such as
GPA — A student’s grade point average, such as 3.5, based upon the
0.0-to-4.0 point system, where an “A” is worth 4 points and an “F” is worth
0 points. Does not match GPAs weighted on the 5 point scale for honors,
IB, or AP courses, such as 4.1. The exception is 5.5, which it will match.
GUID — A globally unique identifier used to identify partition types in the
hard disk’s master boot record (MBR), such as
BFDB4D31-3E35-4DAB-AFCA-5E6E5C8F61EA. Partition types are relevant
on computers which boot via EFI, using the MBR, instead of an older-style
Indian Vehicle Number — An Indian Vehicle Registration Number, such as
mh 12 bj 1780.
IP Address — A public or private IPv4 address, such as Does not
match IPv6 addresses.
Kuwait Civil ID — Personal identification number for Kuwait, such as
273032401586. Must begin with 1, 2, or 3, and follow all other number
patterns for valid civil IDs.
Setting name Description