Setting the
4.Click [Sharing] if it isn’t already selected.
5.Click the link stating “If you understand the secu- rity risks, but want to share files without running the wizard, click here”.
6.Click “Just enable file sharing” and click [OK].
7.Check the [Share this folder on the network] check box.
To specify the corresponding folder as a
8.Click the [OK] button. The folder will be set as a sharable folder, and the display of the icon for the “work” folder will change.
Setting the printer-sharing function
1.Click the [Start] button first and then [Printers and FAX] (In Vista: Printers control panel). A list of connected printers will be displayed.
Setting the
3.Click the [Sharing] tab.
4.Click [Share this printer].
5.Enter the sharing printer name in [Share name].
6.Click the [OK] button.
W I r e l e s s L A N U s e r ’ s G u i d e
Confirming connection
After you have finished the network setup operations, access the folder whose sharing has been set for other personal computers. Also, confirm the status of the radio waves in case of trouble such as a network connec- tion failure.
In the case of access point (infrastructure) connection, enter the necessary data for the access point before confirming connection. Refer to the manual of the access point for the access point setup procedure.
Connecting your personal computer to another personal computer
1.Click [Start] first and then [My Computer]. The [My Computer] window will be displayed in the left frame.
2.Click [My Network Places] in the “Other Places” list. The window [My Network Places] will be dis- played.
3.Click [View workgroup computers] under Net- work Tasks in the left frame.
Confirming the status of the radio
2.Click [Open Atheros Client Utility]. The Atheros Client Utility window opens.
3.Contained within the Current Status and Profile Management tabs, you will find the current operat- ing status of the radio. (When the radio is turned off or the computer is not yet connected, some of the conditions will not be displayed.)
Among the information displayed are the follow- ing:
■Network Name (SSID)
Displays the Network Name (SSID) currently used by the radio.
■Profile Name
The current configuration profile is displayed.
Displays the current operating mode. [Infra- structure (AP)] or [Ad Hoc] will be displayed.