Acronyms and Abbreviations
| A |
AC | Alternating Current |
ACK | ACKnowledge |
ALPG | Automatic Laser Power Control |
AM | Address Mark |
ANSI | American National Standards |
| Institute |
ARRE | Automatic Read Reallocation |
| Enabled |
ASC | Additional Sense Code |
ASCII | American Standard Code for |
| Information Interchange |
ASCQ | Additional Sense Code Qualifier |
ATN | ATteNtion |
AWG | American Wire Gauge |
AWRE | Automatic Write Reallocation |
| Enabled |
| B |
BCV | Buffer Control Valid |
BPV | Bit Pointer Varid |
BSY | BuSY |
BytChk | Byte Check |
| C |
C/D | Control/Data |
CCS | Common Command Set |
CDB | Command Descriptor Block |
CDRH | Center for Devices and |
| Rediological Health |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Code |
CSA | Canadian Standards Association |
| D |
DB | Data Bus |
DBD | Disable Block Descripter |
DBP | Data Bus Parity |
DC | Direct Current |
DCRT | Disable CeRTification |
DDS | Disk Definition Sector |
DMA | Defect Management Area |
DPO | Disable Page Out |
DPRY | Disable PRimarY |
DSP | Digital Signal Processor |
| E |
EBC | Enable Blank Check |
EBP | Erase |
ECC | Error Correction Code |
EN | European Norm |
EVPD | Enable Vital Product Data |
| F |
FG | Frame Ground |
FIFO | First In First Out |
FmtData | Format data |
FOV | Format Options Valid |
FRU | Field Replaceable Unit |
| G |
GND | Ground |
| I |
I/O | Input/Output |
IC | Integrated Circuit |
ID | IDentifier |
IDD | Intelligent Disk Drive |
IEC | International Electrotechnical |
| Commission |
Immed | Immediate |
IP | Initialize Pattern |
ISO | International Standardization |
| Organization |
| L |
LD | Laser Diode |
LED | Light Emitting Diode |
LoEj | Load Eject |
LSB | Least Significant Byte |
LUN | Logical Unit Number |
| M |
MPU | MicroProcessor Unit |
MSB | Most Significant Byte |
MSG | MeSeaGe |
MTBF | Mean Time Between Failures |
MTTR | Mean Time To Repair |