Host Interface
Table 4.75 Timing specifications (3 of 3)
No. | Name | Standard | Timing specification |
16 | Selection | 250 ms min. | In a SELECTION or RESELECTION phase, the |
| Timeout Delay | [Recommende | minimum time during which the INIT or TARG |
| d value] | waits for a BSY signal from the SCSI device to |
| be selected before it initiates timeout processing. |
17 | Transfer Period | – | In synchronous data transfer mode, the |
| minimum time (minimum repetition time) from |
| the leading edge of an REQ signal to the leading |
| edge of the next REQ signal or from the leading |
| edge of an ACK signal to the leading edge of the |
| next ACK signal. The actual value is defined |
| REQUEST message exchanged between the |
| INIT and TARG. |