Physical specifications
Table |
| ||
Height | Depth | Width | Weight |
340.26 mm | 571.82 mm | 452.62 mm | 23.09 kg |
(13.40 inches) | (22.51 inches) | (17.82 inches) | (50 lbs) |
Electrical specifications
Power requirements | |
| 50/60 Hz (±2 Hz) |
Minimum recommended circuit capacity | 1.0 Amp |
WARNING! Power requirements are based on the country/region where the device is sold. Do not convert operating voltages. This will damage the digital sender and void the product warranty.
Power consumption specifications
Table B-3 Power consumption (average, in watts)1
Scanning (55 ipm)2 | Ready | Sleep | Off |
98 W | 35 W | 15.7 W | 0 W |
1Values subject to change. See for current information.
2Power reported is highest value measured for color and monochrome scanning using all standard voltages.
3Default time from Ready mode to Sleep = 60 minutes.
4Heat dissipation in Ready mode = 123 BTU/Hour.
86 Appendix B Specifications | ENWW |