April 2004
4-54 Programming Site Data

Entering a Calibration Factor (cont.)

1. The first prompt asks if you wish to enable the calibration
a. Use the [W ] and [X] keys to scroll to the appropriate
radio button.
b. Press [ENTER] to confirm your selection.
2. The next prompt asks if you want a single K factor or a table
of K factors.
a. Use the [W ] and [X] keys to scroll to the appropriate
radio button.
b. Press [ENTER] to confirm your selection.
3. The following steps depend on whether you select a single
value or a table.
If you entered Single:
The prompt asks for a value.
a. Press [ENTER] to open the text box.
b. Use the numeric keys to enter the recommended value.
Generally, if you have enabled the Reynolds Correction
factor, the correction factor should be set to 1.00.
Otherwise, the typical factor is between 0.5 and 2.00.
c. Press [ENTER] to confirm your selection.
You have completed entering data for a single Calibration Factor.
If you entered Table:
The menu asks, first for the data source, and then for the entry of
values into the Correction Factor table.
a. Press [ENTER] to open the Data Source window. The
Select Measurement window (Figure 4- 19 on page 4-40)