April 2004
Installing the First Bracket with a Chain or Strap
The following steps describe how to install the PI fixture with a
supplied chain or strap.
1. Carefully wrap the chain or strap around the pipe, taking care
not to twist it.
2. Loosen the wing nuts up to the end of the J-hooks. Then hook
the chain into the tightest links and loosely hand tighten the
wing nuts. If you are using a strap, insert the J-hook into the
smaller round hole on the strap.
3. Line up one edge of the CFG-PI holder bracket with the origin
scribe line and fully tighten the chain or strap (see Figures
3-17 and 3-18 below).
Figure 3-17: Lining up the First Bracket
4. Install the transducer dummy block to verify the
circumferential and axial location. Center the indicator line on
the block to line up with the scribed mark (see Figure 3-18
Figure 3-18: Positioning the CFG-PI Holder Bracket
5. Loosen the transducer hold-down screw and tighten the J-
hooks on the clampi ng fixture. Be sure the bracket has not
moved from its position.
Front Edge of
Holder Bracket
Origin Scribe Line