April 2004
6-4 Displaying and Configuring Data
The View Option
The second option, View, allows you to select the presentation of
a parameter in one of three formats: numeric, line graph or bar
1. From the Display Menu, press the [X] key once to reach the
View option, and then press [ENTER].
2. A drop-down menu shows the three formats. Scroll to the
appropriate selection.
3. Press [ENTER] to confirm your selection.
The screen immediately displays any changes. For example, if
you have changed the first parameter to a line graph, the screen
appears similar to Figure 6-3 below.
Figure 6-3: Screen After Format Change
2004/11/30 09:53 AM
Velocity, ft/s
Delta-T, ns
0.10 0.0
Volume, l/s
E0: No Errors
Signal, dB
10 Seconds