Step 9
Vent Top
Step 10
Custom Panel
To Support
ZUG75 Trim Kit
Unified 3/4″ Custom Grille Panel Kit
Slip Dust Gasket
Into Trim On One EndSlip Second Dust
Gasket Into Trim
• Separate the top and hinge side trim pieces by | Reinstall |
removing side screws. Discard top piece, retain | Screws |
screws. |
• Install one end piece to unified top piece with |
2 original screws. |
•Slip end of rubber dust gasket into end of top unified piece and slide trim towards the center.
Engage the second piece of gasket and continue sliding trim until even with opposite ends.
•Reinstall end pieces to case trims. Push top piece up against soffit or to installation height. Tighten screws on both sides.
•Whenever possible, place a level on the top trim. Adjust side trims until entire grille frame is level.
•Secure the grille panel support to the back side of the 3/4″ thick custom panel with #6 screws. Be sure the lip of the support is over the top of the wood panel.
Panel Support
Overlaps Top
Back View
Grille Panel Support
•Install four of the six larger undercut screws so that the top of the screws are 1/16″ from the surface of the support.
• Attach the assembled panel to the grille opening by inserting the four protruding screws into the brackets on each side.
NOTE: Use screws supplied with ZKTR36 Trim Kits.