7.Disengage trigger lock, turn sprayer
11.Remove cup and properly dispose contaminated fluid.
To avoid serious injury or damage to equipment, do not expose the sprayer electronics to flushing solvents. Keep sprayer at least 10 in. above the rim of the con- tainer when flushing.
Keep spray area
8.Reverse tip to UNCLOG position. Put prime/pres- sure relief valve DOWN to spray position and trigger sprayer through tip into waste area for 1- 2 seconds.
ti19370a ti19346a ti14995a
9.Engage trigger lock. Put prime/pressure relief valve in UP position.
10.Unthread tip/guard from sprayer and soak in appro- priate flushing fluid.
12.Refill liner 1/2 full. Disengage trigger lock, turn sprayer
ti19374a | ti19358a |
13.Put prime/pressure relief valve DOWN to spray position. Spray the remaining amount of cleaning fluid through the front of the sprayer.
ti19346a | ti19404a |
14.If sprayer is not completely clean, repeat steps 11 and 12.
15.Engage trigger lock and put prime/pressure relief valve UP to release pressure.
ti19350a | ti19347a |
16.Remove material liner and lid and properly dispose. Properly dispose used fluid.
17.Clean Spray Tip/Guard assembly with clean flush- ing fluid. Use a soft brush to loosen and remove dried material if needed.
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