Support and Customer Service
Israel | 09 952 4848 |
Russia | 095 797 3520 |
Turkey | 0212 221 6969 |
Australia . | +61 | (3) 8877 8000 |
China . | +86 | 10 656 45959 |
Hong Kong . | 800 96 7729 | |
India . | + 91 (0) 11 682 6035 | |
Indonesia . | +62 | 21 350 3408 |
Japan . | +81 | 3 3335 8333 |
Korea . | +82 | (0) 2 3270 0700 |
| Outside Seoul: 080 999 0700 | |
Malaysia . | +60 | 3 295 2566 |
New Zealand . | +64 | (9) 356 6640 |
Philippines . | +63 | 2 867 3551 |
Singapore . | +65 | 272 5300 |
Taiwan . | +886 2 2717 0055 | |
Thailand . | +66 | 2 661 4000 |
Contact your authorized HP dealer/distributor or the nearest HP sales and service office.
Appendix B |