<DIR_GRPACCT1_NAME value ="CN=Administrators,CN=Builtin,DC=HP,DC=com "/>

<DIR_GRPACCT1_PRIV value = "1"/>



Schema-free HPLOMIG-based setup

HPLOMIG is the easiest way to set up a large number of LOM processors for directories. To use HPLOMIG, download the HPQLOMIG utility and additional documentation from the HP website (http://www.hp.com/servers/lights-out). HP recommends using HPLOMIG when configuring many LOM processors for directories. For more information on using HPLOMIG, refer to the "HPLOMIG Operation" section.

Schema-free setup options

Setup options are the same regardless of which method (browser, HPQLOMIG, or script) you use to configure the directory.

After enabling directories and selecting the Schema-free option, you have the following options.

Minimum Login Flexibility

Enter the directory server’s DNS name or IP address and LDAP port. Typically, the LDAP port for an SSL connection is 636.

Enter the distinguished name for at least one group. The chosen group can be a security group (for example CN=Administrators,CN=Builtin,DC=HP,DC=com) or any other group as long as the intended RILOE II users are members of the group.

With a minimum configuration, you can log into RILOE II using your full distinguished name and password. You must be a member of a group that RILOE II recognizes.

Better Login Flexibility

In addition to the minimum settings, enter at least one directory user context.

At login time, the login name and user context are combined to make the user's distinguished name. For instance, if the user logs in as JOHN.SMITH and a user context is set up as CN=USERS,DC=HP,DC=COM, then the distinguished name that RILOE II tries will be CN=JOHN.SMITH,CN=USERS,DC=HP,DC=COM.

Maximum Login Flexibility

Configure RILOE II as described in the minimum and better login flexibility options.

Configure RILOE II with a DNS name, not an IP address for the directory server's network address. The DNS name must be resolvable to an IP address from both RILOE II and the client system.

Enable ActiveX controls in your browser. The RILOE II login script will attempt to call a Windows® control to convert the login name to a distinguished name.

Configuring RILOE II with maximum login flexibility enables you to log in using your full distinguished name and password, your name as it appears in the directory, NetBIOS format (domain\login_name), or the e-mail format (login_name@domain).

NOTE: Your system security settings or installed software might prevent the login script from calling the Windows® ActiveX control. If this happens, your browser displays a warning message in the status bar, message box, or might stop responding. To help identify what software or setting is causing the problem, create another profile and log in to the system.

Directory services 78