8.The Fax Cover Sheet box shows the name of the last cover sheet used.
NTo send the selected cover page with your fax, click the Send Cover button.
NTo send a different cover page, click the Send Cover button, then click the arrow to the right of the box and click the cover page you want.
NTo send no cover page with the fax, leave the Send Cover button unchecked.
Eclipse FAX SE offers a choice of five cover sheets. For cover page illustrations, see "Viewing the Eclipse FAX SE Cover Pages" earlier in this chapter. For instructions on modifying cover pages, see "Adding an Image to Cover Pages" later in this chapter.
9.If you haven't created a letterhead for use with Eclipse FAX SE, the Other Sheets: Letterhead box is blank. For information about creating letterhead, see "Creating Letterhead and Second Sheets," later in this chapter.
If you have created a letterhead, this box displays the name of the last letterhead you used.
NTo fax the first page of your document on the selected letterhead, click the Letterhead button.
NTo choose a different letterhead, click the Letterhead button; then click the arrow to the right of the box and
10.If you haven't created second sheets for use with Eclipse FAX SE, the Other Sheets: 2nd Sheets box is blank. For information about creating second sheets, see "Creating Letterhead and Second Sheets," later in this chapter.
If you have created second sheets, this box displays the name of the last second sheet you used.
NTo fax the second and subsequent pages of your document on the selected second sheet, click the 2nd Sheets button.
NTo choose a different second sheet, click the 2nd Sheets button; then click the arrow to the right of the box and