Method 3: Creating Letterhead in Eclipse FAX SE
If you plan to incorporate your logo or some other image, before beginning this procedure, either scan it to a file in Eclipse FAX SE (see "Scanning and Viewing"), or, if the image already exists in a file, fax it to a file in Eclipse FAX SE (see "Faxing a Document to a File"). Also, make it a habit of deleting files you don't need as they take up space.
If you don't have a letterhead but want to create it in Eclipse FAX SE, follow these steps.
1.Choose File/New Page from the Eclipse FAX SE menu bar. A blank page appears.
2.Click the Edit tool to display the Edit tool bar.
3.Use the Font tool ( ) to change the font (if necessary).
4.Use the Size tool ( )to change the type size.
5.Click the Text tool ( ).
6.Place the cursor in the location in which you want to add the text for your letterhead and click the left mouse button.
7.Start typing; the text you add is shown in red. As it will not wrap around, press the Enter key when you reach the end of a line.
Note:`You can backspace to delete the text, but once you click your mouse button outside the text, you won't be able to change or delete it, except by closing and reopening the fax.
8.When you finish adding the text in the current location, click the left mouse button outside the text.