Changing Send Fax Quality
When you choose OfficeJet Setup/Send Fax Quality, the Send Fax
Quality dialog box appears.
Changing the contrast
To modify the Contrast of copies or outgoing paper faxes, click:
NDarken for originals that are too light.
NNormal for documents with acceptable lightness/darkness (factory setting).
NLighten for originals that are too dark.
Avoid sending faxes written in pencil, but if you do, change the contrast to Darken first.
Changing the resolution
To modify the resolution (sharpness) of outgoing paper faxes, click:
NStandard for text only faxes (no photographs or graphic illustrations), or when the transmission speed is more important than quality.
NFine to make text and line drawings as sharp as possible.
NPhoto when faxing or making copies of photographs or to capture images containing different shades of gray or color. This selection causes documents to be scanned as halftone images.
Copies are automatically made with the best resolution. For this
reason, a photograph may not fit completely in memory and you may not be able to make multiple copies. You will need to make individual copies.
After you've made your changes, click OK to save your settings and close the dialog box. Cancel closes the dialog box without saving your settings; Default returns selections to factory settings; and Help displays help for this topic.