right (B). Either part can be used to help you decide which is the best of the series of patterns; it will depend on your circumstances. However, if you are using glossy paper or canvas, you are recommended to ignore part A and make your selection by looking at part B only.

In the color gradient, part A, you should look for light or dark horizontal bands (banding), which indicate that the paper advance is not quite right. Usually you will see dark bands across the first pattern and light bands across the last pattern (see the examples below). The best pattern is one with no banding; if in doubt, select the pattern in the middle, between the last pattern with dark bands and the first pattern with light bands.

If you find it difficult to identify the best pattern, the following scenario descriptions may help you.

Where you have only one pattern which is clearly the best and the ones above and below contain light/dark bands, select this pattern.

How do I... (paper advance calibration topics)


The calibration process in detail 217