Obtain electronic support
To find support and warranty information, go to the HP web site at www.hp.com/go/ customercare. This website provides information and utilities that can help you correct many common printer problems. If prompted, select your country/region, and then click Contact HP for information about calling for technical support.
This web site also offers technical support, drivers, supplies, ordering information and other options such as:
•Access online support pages.
•Send HP an email message for answers to your questions.
•Connect with an HP technician by using online chat.
•Check for HP software updates.
You can also obtain support from the HP software for Windows or Mac OS X, which provide easy,
Support options and availability vary by printer, country/region, and language.
HP support by phone
The phone support numbers and associated costs listed here are those in effect at time of publication and are applicable only for calls made on a land line. Different rates may apply for mobile phones.
For the most current HP list of telephone support numbers and call costs information, see www.hp.com/go/customercare.
During the warranty period, you may obtain assistance from the HP Customer Care Center.
NOTE: HP does not provide telephone support for Linux printing. All support is provided online at the following web site: https://launchpad.net/hplip. Click the Ask a question button to begin the support process.
The HPLIP web site does not provide support for Windows or Mac OS X. If you are using these operating systems, see www.hp.com/go/customercare.
This section contains the following topics:
•Before you call
•Phone support period
•Telephone support numbers
•After the phone support period
Before you call
Call HP support while you are in front of the computer and the printer. Be prepared to provide the following information:
•Model number (for more information, see Find the printer model number)
•Serial number (located on the back or bottom of the printer)
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