
system name See internet protocol address.

terminal window A terminal window is a type of HP VUE window that emu- lates a complete display terminal. Termi- nal windows are typically used to fool non-client programs into believing they are running in their favorite terminal. When not running programs or execut- ing operating system commands, termi- nal windows display the command-line prompt. See also HP Visual User Envi- ronment.

title bar The rectangular area between the top of the window and the window frame, that contains the title of the win- dow object.

transceiver A device that transmits and receives signals.

user account The system administrator defines a user account for every person authorized to use the system. Each user account contains the name the computer uses to identify the person (user ID), and the person’s password. User accounts also contain project and organization names, to help the system determine who can use the system and what resources each person or organization can use. See also user ID, password.

user ID The name the computer uses to identify you. Your system administrator assigns you a user ID. Enter your user ID during the login procedure when the sys- tem displays the login prompt. See also user account.

username The name that the system

recognizes as uniquely yours. Also known as your login name. The user- name is also the name that identifies you to the mail system and other software re- quiring secure entry.

utility See utility program.

utility program A program provided with the operating system to perform a frequently required task, such as printing a file or displaying the contents of a di- rectory. See also command, shell com- mand.

window A rectangular area of the screen for viewing information. HP VUE allows you to create several types of win- dows on the screen. Each window is a separate computing environment in which you may execute programs, edit text, or read text. See also Workspace Manager.

Window Manager The HP VUE pro- gram that controls the size, placement, and operation of windows.

working directory See current work- ing directory.

Workspace What the screen becomes when you start HP VUE. Although you can hide the workspace under terminal windows or other graphic objects, you can never position anything behind the workspace. All windows and graphic ob- jects appear stacked on the workspace. See also HP Visual User Environment, terminal window.

Workspace Manager The program that controls the size, placement, and op-


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HP B160L, B132L, B180L manual System name See internet protocol address, Utility See utility program