HP Remote Graphics 4.2.0 User's Guide

directory. At least two files appear in this directory for a single connected device:

a./proc/devices/usb_remote/devices - File contains a list of recognized devices by the Receiver system.

b./proc/devices/usb_remote/# - If only one USB device is recognized, the "devices" file will have a single entry, 192. The file descriptor named 192 is the Remote USB device. Dumping this file with 'cat

192', for example, displays specific data about device 192. This should reflect the connected USB device. If multiple devices are connected, then each will have a file descriptor numbered consecutively starting at 192.

7.Directory Mode and Enterprise Service Mode:

If running in Directory Mode or Enterprise Service mode, the sender system must be selected before connecting to any systems. If a different sender system is required after connection, then all systems must be disconnected, a new sender system selected in the Receiver Control Panel, and then all senders can be reconnected.

8.Reset the USB Device:

Press the reset button on the device if it has a reset button. If the device has entered into a bad state, it may fail to connect. Pressing the reset may allow the device to connect.