HP Remote Graphics 4.2.0 User's Guide
log file. If WARN level is chosen, then all levels from WARN to FATAL will be output. The default value is INFO - all DEBUG output is turned off.
Rgreceiver.Log.MaxFileSize=intThis sets the maximum size of the log file in kilobytes (Kbytes). The default maximum size is 1024 Kbytes.
Rgreceiver.Log.NumBackupFiles=intIf the log file exceeds its maximum size, the log file will be saved and a new log file will be created. This sets the number of extra files that will be saved. The default number of saved files is five.
Networking Properties:Rgreceiver.Network.Timeout.IsMutable=boolIf set to "1", the user can modify all network timeout values in the RGS Receiver Control Panel. If set to "0", the user cannot modify the values. This property can be used to permanently set network timeouts before the RGS Receiver is started. The default value is "1" - timeout values are changeable by the user.
Rgreceiver.Network.Timeout.Warning=intThe timeout in milliseconds used to detect and notify the user of a network disruption. The default value is 2000 milliseconds - two seconds.
Rgreceiver.Network.Timeout.Error=intThe timeout in milliseconds used to detect and disconnect an inactive connection. The default value is 30000 milliseconds - thirty seconds.
Rgreceiver.Network.Timeout.Dialog=intThe timeout in milliseconds used to display and wait on responses from input dialogs, such as the authorization dialog and PAMauthentication dialog. The default value is 15000 milliseconds - fifteen seconds.
USB Properties:Rgreceiver.Usb.IsMutable=boolIf set to "1", the user will be able to modify all USB controls in the RGS Receiver Control Panel. If set to "0", none of the controls can be changed by the user. This can be used to permanently enable or disable remote USB before the RGS Receiver is started. The default value is "1".
This property only applies to HP Blade Workstation Client.