About Remote Graphics Software

Security Features

HP Remote Graphics Software has the following features to maintain security:

Authentication: When a Receiver attempts to connect to a Sender, user credentials are validated using the native authentication method on the sender system. If the credentials are not authenticated, the connection is closed. On Windows operating systems authentication uses NTLM or Kerberos. On UNIX (Linux and HP-UX) authentication uses the Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM).

Authorization: Multiple connections to the same Sender are only allowed if the user logged into the desktop of the Sender system (primary user) allows the connection. When a non-primary user attempts to connect to a Sender an authorization dialog is displayed on the desktop of the remote system that asks whether the user should be allowed to connect.

Automatic Desktop Locking: The desktop of the Sender system locks when the primary user disconnects. This prevents non-primary users from being able to interact with a remote session after the primary user has disconnected.

This feature is supported on Windows systems, and on Linux and HP-UX, this feature is supported on the Gnome, KDE, and CDE desktop environments.

Automatic Disconnect: On Linux and HP-UX systems all Receivers will disconnect when the primary user disconnects. This prevents non-primary users from interaction with a remote session after the primary user disconnects.

Automatic Disconnect of non-primary users on Login: All non-primary users are disconnected when a login event occurs. Only the primary user remains connected when the desktop of the remote computer is logged in.

Automatic Disconnect on Log Off: All Receivers are disconnected when the primary user logs off of the remote desktop. This can be disabled by setting the "IsDisconnectOnLogoutEnabled" sender property to "0". See Sender Properties for more information.

Connection Status: On Windows a desktop icon in the application tray animates when other users are connected. Likewise, on Linux and HP-UX the Sender GUI animates.

Collaboration notification: See Features.

Connections are not allowed when an iLO remote console is enabled: If the iLO remote console is enabled on a HP Blade Workstation, connections to the blade using RGS are denied.

Disconnect All: All Receivers can be easily disconnected using the Sender GUI. This is useful when hosting a collaboration session, such as in a classroom environment, and the session ends. On Windows system, the GUI is an icon