Using Remote Graphics Software

sequence defined in the Hotkeys tab) and then pressing the "H" key. The toolbar window appears at the top of the Remote Display Window:

The toolbar displays the following controls and information:

hostname: the hostname of the remote Sender

disconnect button: disconnects the current session

CTRL-ALT-DEL button: sends the CTRL-ALT-DEL key sequence to the Sender. Some key-sequences, such as Ctrl-Alt-Del, are trapped by the local system and therefore do not forward to the remote system using normal methods. The user cannot send a Ctrl-Alt-Delkey sequence using a keyboard on the Receiver. The Ctrl-Alt-Delbutton in the toolbar sends this key sequence to the Sender.

Borders button: adds or removes window borders and decorations to the Remote Display Window.

Snap button: when selected, this option causes the Remote Display Window to snap to the edges of the screen whenever the boundaries of the window are within 10 pixels of the edge of the screen.

Image quality slider: sets the compression level. Higher settings require greater bandwidth.

Network bandwidth: displays the current network bandwidth received by this session.

Image update rate: displays the number of image updates per second received by this session.