Getting Started with Remote Graphics Software

Installing & Enabling Remote Audio

Remote Graphics Software supports remote audio. Refer to the System Requirements section for the list of supported RGS Sender and Receiver operating systems.

The Receiver Control Panel enables remote audio. When remote audio is enabled the Sender records and transmits audio to the Receiver for playback. Audio controls in the Receiver Control Panel allow you set the audio volume, quality, and stereo/mono format. Note that audio quality and stereo settings will affect your overall network usage and bandwidth.

The following sections assume the Remote Graphics Software is installed.

Installing Audio on a Receiver for Windows

The Receiver uses the default audio device. If you do not have an audio device installed or if it is currently disabled, the audio controls in the receiver are disabled.

Note: The audio controls in the Receiver Control Panel can be disabled by setting properties in the Receiver if the administrator does not want to allow the user to modify the audio settings.

Installing and Calibrating Audio on a Sender for Windows
Installing Audio on a Sender for Windows

The RGS Sender records from the audio device mixer and sends this information to the receiver. If an audio device is not detected during installation, the HP Remote Audio device will be installed. The HP Remote Audio device has only the mixer available in the recording control panel and the volume level for this line cannot be adjusted. If an audio device is detected during installation, an attempt is made to select the mixer as the recorder input. Due to wide variations in naming and volume levels, it is likely that the mixer line will need to be selected by hand.

To select the mixer as the input line, open the Sounds and Audio Devices control panel. You can find this by opening the Windows Control Panel in the Start menu. The following picture shows an example of a Control Panel with the Audio tab selected.