HP Remote Graphics 4.2.0 User's Guide

command window. If the IP address associated with the Sender ports (listening port 42966) are private, then APIPA is probably at fault. Consult the Microsoft's APIPA WEB site for further information, including how to disable

APIPA here(http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/Windows/XP/all/res kit/en- us/Default.asp?url=/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/reskit/en- us/prjj_ipa_eiih.asp).

11.Remote Cursors Not Available During Login:

When a user on the Sender system is using the mouse on the Login Desktop, mouse updates will not be visible on any Receiver.

12.Remote Audio Issues: ToggleKeys Sound Not Working:

The Accessibility control in Windows will play a sound when some control keys are pressed. This sound is not heard on the receiver because it is played through the PC Speaker. See the section on PC Speaker Sounds Not Working.

No Audio With Multiple Audio Devices:

The HP Remote Graphics Software sender will open up the device that is registered as the default audio device. The sender is a service that is running in a different context. If you have multiple audio devices, it may choose a different device than what the user has selected as the default. Disable the extra audio device to ensure the sender uses the correct device. See the Windows Sender Audio Installation section to setup the audio device after disabling the extra audio device.

13.Image updates from the Sender to the Receiver appear slow and erratic:

For example, rotating a model in a 3D mechanical design program using the mouse appears sluggish and image updates are inconsistent. One possible reason for the problems is network performance. If the Sender is running on a Windows operating-system, it can be an operating-system scheduling issue. Sometimes this can be resolved by increasing the process priority of the Sender. Please see the section Setting Sender Priorities for further details.

14.Easy Login Connections Don't Seem to be Enabled:

There are several common system setup issues that can prevent an Easy Login connection to the RGS Sender. The RGS Diagnostic Tool programmatically detects some of these problems and suggests possible solutions. Please refer to the RGS Diagnostic Tool section.

Linux or HP-UX Specific Issues:

1.Hidden Receiver Control Panel:

The Receiver control panel will not stay on top of other windows in the desktop, and can therefore get lost. Also, for session managers that support multiple desktops, the Receiver control panel will not, by default, show up in