HP Remote Graphics 4.2.0 User's Guide
verify the users credentials. The default value is "0" - prompting for credentials is off.
Rgreceiver.Directory=stringUsed to set the name and location of the directory to use for determining the Sender systems that are assigned to the current user. This property is only used then the RGS Receiver is in Directory Mode. The default value is "directory.txt".
Rgreceiver.ConnectionWarningColor=stringThis is the color the Remote Display Window will be composited with when the RGS Receiver detects a network disruption. The value is a hexadecimal number, with four components (alpha, red, green, blue). The alpha component is used to specify the level of transparency the color will take. An alpha value of zero will be totally transparent, where no warning color will be visible by the user. An alpha value of one will be totally opaque, completely covering the image in the remote sender.
The default value is "0x80b40000". The alpha component is 0x80 (128 decimal). The red component is 0xb4 (180 decimal). The blue and green components are both zero. Therefore, the color is a red of strength 180/256, or around 70% of full red. The alpha value is 128/256, or 50% transparent.
Rgreceiver.IsGlobalImageUpdateMutable=boolIf set to "1", the user will be able to modify the Enable global image updates check box in the Receiver Control Panel. If set to "0", the user will be unable to modify the checkbox. This property can be used to permanently enable or disable global image updates in the Receiver. The default value is "1" - global image updates can be configured by the user.
Rgreceiver.IsGlobalImageUpdateEnabled=boolIf set to "1", the Receiver updates the area of the screen with the extents of all the areas of the screen that have changed. If set to "0", the Receiver updates the screen to just the areas of the screen that have changed - using individual update rectangles. If image updates in the Remote Display Window seem to show image tearing, setting the value to "1", enabling global image updates, might reduce the tearing. Tearing usually occurs on large images that are updated quite frequently, such as a model of a 3D object being rotated in an large window. Setting the value to '"0", disabling global image updates, is usually best for large Remote Display Windows (5120 x 1024 resolution) that display mostly text based applications. The default value is "0" - global image updates are disabled.
Rgreceiver.RecentWindowPositions=int vectorThis property can be used to initialize the positions of the Remote Display Windows. The position of each Remote Display Window is controlled by an (xpos,ypox) tuple. The following example contains two tuples, one for each of two Remote Display Windows: