Getting Started with Remote Graphics Software

Uninstalling the RGS Receiver

Uninstalling the RGS Receiver for Windows:

To uninstall the RGS Receiver for Windows use the Windows 2000 or Windows XP Add or Remove Programs feature from the Control Panel. Select Remote Graphics Receiver and click Change/Remove.

Uninstalling the RGS Receiver for Linux:

To uninstall the RGS Receiver for Linux find the name of the RedHat RPM package for the Remote Graphics Receiver, by typing:

rpm -q -a grep -i rgreceiver

If the Receiver is installed on the system, you will see rgreceiver_linux_32-4.0-0or a similar Receiver package. To remove the Receiver's RPM package, become root and type:

rpm -e --allmatches rgreceiver_linux_32

Uninstalling the RGS Receiver for HP-UX

To uninstall the RGS Receiver for HP-UX, become root and type:

/usr/sbin/swremove rgreceiver_hpux_pa