•An IP address is already assigned for the management network.
•The user has root access to the console of the Linux server.
•Either one or three NTP servers have been configured and NTP has synchronized with them.
•The user has a means of copying the HP VSC software files to the server.
•Two independent network interfaces for management and data traffic, connected to two Linux Bridge interfaces.
Once these requirements have been met, install the required dependencies (the following lines refer to RHEL; substitute the appropriate Ubuntu references):
yum install kvm libvirt
When you set up a server, you must set up an NTP server for all the components. When you define a VM, it gets a timestamp which cannot deviate more than 10 seconds.
Note: Intel Extended Page Tables (EPT) must be disabled in the KVM kernel module.
If EPT is enabled, it can be disabled by updating modprobe.d and reloading the kernel module with:
echo "options kvm_intel ept=0" > /etc/modprobe.d/HP_kvm_intel.conf rmmod kvm_intel
rmmod kvm modprobe kvm modprobe kvm_intel
These instructions assume bridges br0 for management and br1 for data have been created and attached.
1. Start libvirtd and ensure it is set to start automatically.
Prerequisite: Make sure that libvirt and the bridge packages are installed.
For example, with Ubuntu: install kvm libvirt
service libvirtd start chkconfig libvirtd on
2. Copy HP VSC disks for libvirt access:
tar xzvf
For single disk deployment use:
cd VSC/QCOW_IMAGE/singledisk
For legacy two disk deployment use:
cd VSC/QCOW_IMAGE/twodisks
HP VSC Software Installation Procedure on KVM | 23 |