Block 1
1. Remove stock openvswitch
Note: rpm -qa grep openvswitch
All rpms must be removed: 'yum remove' is recommended.
2.Have ready the hp xen dVRS, which consists of the following rpms:
3.Install in the following order
a.rpm -i HP-openvswitch-modules-xen- <version>
b.rpm -i HP-openvswitch-<version>
Note: If hp-openvswitch-<version> installation is tried before hp-openvswitch- modules-xen-<version>, failure will
ensue, with the following error:
error: Failed dependencies:
openvswitch_mod.ko.0 is needed by HP-openvswitch-2.0 51.i386
1. Ensure that all packages have been installed:
[root@ovs-2 images]# rpm -qa grep openvswitch hp-openvswitch-modules-xen- 2.0-51
2.Ensure that /etc/sysconfig/openvswitch has correct PERSONALITY and PLATFORM:
[root@ovs-2 images]# cat /etc/sysconfig/openvswitch grep
#PERSONALITY: vrs/vrs-g/cpe/none (default: vrs) PERSONALITY=vrs
[root@ovs-2 images]# cat /etc/sysconfig/openvswitch grep PLATFORM
#PLATFORM: kvm/xen/esx-i. Only apply when in VRS personality PLATFORM=xen
3.Verify HPManagedNetwork is created:
[root@acs-ovs-3 ~]# xe network-list name-label=hpManagedNetwork
uuid ( RO): 817ece89-4835-980c-a48f-0bf02bc4241a name-label ( RW): hpManagedNetwork
name-description ( RW): hpManagedNetwork bridge ( RO): xapi0